Friday, September 22, 2017

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Different topics

Hey everyone, here is the link to the other New York topics.  Please look them over and we'll vote in two weeks which ones you guys want to do.

Have a good week!

Yay new topics!

Hey everyone! I'm excited for these new topics and I hope you are too.

Here are some useful links for cyberterrorism:

Google’s initiative to educate users on data management and Internet security provides information for data management on the Web that is basic to all security systems. Its Jargon Buster section is a great tool for becoming familiar with IT terms.
 Good to Know,

The website ATLAS tracks attacks and their targets every day. It also offers a map of global attack density. ATLAS maintains a real-time database of malicious botnet command and control servers that is continuously updated. This information comes from malware analysis, botnet infiltration and other sources of data.
 Atlas,

The ITU and ITU-IMPACT websites provide useful information about the programs and the
spread of cyber-security among member states as well as the measures taken to keep cyberspace
safe and secure.
 ITU,

The Global Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament was created through the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) with the InterParliamentary Union (IPU). The center works with national governments to strengthen their information societies and to establish a framework for the defense of these networks. Although not exclusively a source for information concerning cyber security, the Global Centre for ICTP offers insight into methods of international cooperation concerning the borderless world of cyberspace.
 Global Centre for ICT in Parliament,

The International Cyber Security Protection Alliance is an external organization established to coordinate an international system of defense against cyber threats. The organization provides information on methods of combatting online terrorism and defending cyber security.
 The International Cyber Protection Alliance,

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Hey guys,

Remember that you have TWO topics for the paper: MDG 1 AND 8.  It is important to talk about both goals, not just 1 or the other.
There are several parts to goal 8:
Target 8.A:

Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system

  • Developing countries gain greater access to the markets of developed countries
  • Least developed countries benefit most from tariff reductions, especially on their agricultural products

Target 8.B:
Address the special needs of least developed countries

  • Aid continues to rise despite the financial crisis, but Africa is short-changed
  • Only five donor countries have reached the UN target for official aid

Target 8.C:
Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island developing States

    Target 8.D:
    Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries

    • Debt burdens ease for developing countries and remain well below historical levels

    Target 8.E:
    In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries

      Target 8.F:
      In cooperation with the private sector, make available benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications

      So, if you cannot find much information about international actions for goal 1, you can focus on international actions for goal 8.  However you must relate the two goals.
      And remember that there is always GOOGLE.  Try researching ¨Cambodia international actions poverty¨or ¨egypt international resolution poverty¨ or ¨denmark conference hunger¨, etc etc.

      More good links for country information:

      Mapa interactivo que relaciona toda la información que tenéis que saber sobre los países y los MDGs

      Para relacionar Los Derechos Humanos con los MDGs. Hay un video para cada derecho. 

      Monday, November 26, 2012

      Sourcing and Topic

      Here is the link for the youtube video for how to cite your sources:

      Your source should be:
      Author Last Name, First Name. ¨Title of Work.¨¨Title of Website. Publisher/Sponsor, Day Month Year of Publication. Format.  Day Month Year of access. <url>. 


      ¨Colombia.¨ The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency, 14 Nov 2012. Web. 28 Nov 2012. <>. 

      Remember to use Footnotes (nota al final).


      Remember, the topic is MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 and 8 (click for Youtube videos)
      MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
      MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
      Another MDG link