Monday, November 12, 2012

Credible websites

Here are some good websites that you may use while researching.  This list is NOT exclusive.  Remember: most websites that end in .gov, .edu, and .org are generally credible and good websites.  Wikipedia is NOT a good website!
Use to translate words. Do NOT use google translate.  Use to search.  Search in Spanish and English.  

United Nations/Global Classrooms
Cyber Schoolbus  - this is the site we used in class!

MDG Progress
Center for Global Development - a great site with maps tracking MDG progress
UN MDG - see statistics on all of the MDGs.  A UN website.
MDG Monitor - in depth data on the MDGs

Country Information
CIA World Factbook
Infoplease - amazing site for country information
Indexmundi - great overall country and data
BBC Country Profiles - an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries
Nation Master - a great way to find data on almost anything, and compare two countries´ statistics
UNICEF  - country statistics
BBC News Country Profiles - country information

Center for Disease Control (CDC)  - disease statistics

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